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Being part of QLAS is about enjoying support, camaraderie, and fun with your fellow leather queers. The more people who attend, the more fun we all have. That means participation is what it’s all about. In QLAS we live by the maxim that, “Many hands make light work.” In other words, if everyone helps a little then we don’t end up in the trap that so many organizations do, where just a few people do tons of work, get burnt out, and then the group dies a slow and painful death. We might like the slow and painful part, but we want QLAS to be a vibrant, active organization that we all can truly enjoy.

That is why, from its inception, the QLAS Operations and Procedures Manual has included rights and responsibilities of members. QLAS pledge members must do a minimum of 10 hours of service (volunteer) work to QLAS before being considered for Full or Associate membership.  Full members are expected to participate in at least 20 hours of QLAS events during the year with 10 of those hours being service (volunteer) work to the club.  Associate Members who live within 100 miles of Sacramento are expected to participate in 5 hours of QLAS events with a minimum of 2 hours of service work to the club.  Please keep in mind that most QLAS events are between 2 and 4 hours long so it is super easy to get those participation and service hours. Plus, the more you come, the more fun you have! We look forward to many exciting and well-frequented QLAS events.  Events include but are not limited to: QLAS sponsored classes, beer busts, nights out, parties and club celebrations, QLAS hospitality suites, contests, play parties, and field trips.

© 2017 Queer Leather Association Sacramento

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