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Mission Statement

Queer Leather Association Sacramento exists to serve, support, and enrich Sacramento's queer leather community.  Membership is open to anyone who self-identifies as queer leather without regard to gender or appearance.  We gather to support our members through education, social activities, and charitable purposes that serve our community with respect and integrity.


The Queer Leather Association Sacramento was formed in February 2017, in Sacramento, California.  The Queer Leather Association Sacramento formed several years after a predecessor leather club, the Sacramento Valley LeatherCorps, became defunct.  Some of the original twelve Founders and Founding Members were involved in the Sacramento Valley LeatherCorps and recognized the need for this type of organization in the Sacramento area.  The Members voted to have the word queer in the name to reflect its diverse membership, both of gender and of all parts of the queer/LGBT community.

The Queer Leather Association Sacramento’s community involvement includes, but is not limited to, education about different aspects and skills within the leather scene, social events including outings and BDSM play parties, guiding of new leatherfolk, and fundraising activities for leather, queer, and HIV/AIDS-related charitable activities.  The Queer Leather Association Sacramento may also be involved in annual holiday toys and food programs.  It operates outreach booths at local fairs and festivals, as well as producing several unique fundraising activities each year.  These events are held at various locations including leather and queer friendly establishments in the local region.  The QLAS home bar is The Bolt at 2560 Boxwood St., Sacramento, CA  95815.


The Queer Leather Association Sacramento is a group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and other queer identified people
who enjoy the leather lifestyle which exists for all the following reasons:

- To educate interested people in Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) and Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) BDSM and Kink play.

- To educate queer identified people in the practice of safer sex.

- To encourage the leather lifestyle, and do all that is possible to achieve a level of comfort in that lifestyle.

- To conduct events which promote the leather lifestyle and present it in a positive light.

- To conduct philanthropic events and engage in charitable activity to improve the conditions of the queer community.

- To oppose homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and AIDS/HIV-phobia towards our community.

Queer Leather Association Sacramento is a non-profit organization of queer people interested in and promoting the leather lifestyle, which creates an environment where queer leather persons may meet and share bonding experiences with those with similar interests.  We facilitate confidential leather discussion groups and demonstrations.  QLAS encourages the establishment of safe and interesting environments conducive to the support, encouragement, and advancement of all aspects of the leather lifestyle.  We support safer sex and safer sex educational programs that encourage individual responsibility as well as personal freedom to make informed choices and decisions regarding sex and sex play.  We are dedicated to community involvement to educate, to end discrimination against sexual minorities, and to promote philanthropic endeavors in our society.


© 2017 Queer Leather Association Sacramento

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